About Friends of Le Roys Bush
Friends of Le Roys Bush is an informal group of people who enjoy and value the natural heritage and native biodiversity of Le Roys Bush and the surrounding halo of significant ecological value. It is associated with the Le Roys Bush Management Committee and a charitable trust set up to support our local ecology.
Help protect the native ecology of Le Roys Bush
Our regular working event is the Weekly Wednesday Weeding bee from 9am to 11am followed by coffee.
To get the weekly working bee announcements, email us at LeRoysBush@gmail.com
For information about what to wear and bring please see Le Roys Bush Working Bees - what-you-need-to-know
Help with our War on Weeds to eradicate highly invasive weeds within Le Roys Bush and from its "halo"
Despite years of work by volunteers and council contractors, a host of weed species continue to invade Le Roys Bush, Hinemoa Park and other local bush areas. Please help us tackle these weeds - click on Protecting Le Roys Bush and its "halo" from invasive pests
Follow us on Facebook
To see recent Le Roys Bush news, follow us on facebook.com/groups/FriendsOfLeRoysBush or ask to be added to our working bee newsletter. You should be able to see this page without being a member of Facebook - if you can't see it, please email us at LeRoysBush@gmail.com
Join Pest Free Kaipatiki to follow Le Roys Bush news
We encourage everyone who is a supporter, neighbour or user of Le Roys Bush to join up with the Pest Freek Kaipatiki Restoration Society - go to pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz/contactus
Ask to be added to the Le Roys Bush group and, in addition to the monthly PFK newsletter, you will receive news about the Le Roys Bush and Hinemoa "halo". We also encourage you to follow the PFK Facebook pages
Protecting kauri and other ecology in Le Roys Bush
Le Roys Bush has a number of kauri in various parts of the reserve.
Council and volunteers are trying hard to protect from kauri dieback disease.
Help us protect the kauri, the streams and the bush by:
keeping to the track at all times
keeping dogs and other pets on a leash at all times (they can destroy fish and gecko habitats if they go off track)
keeping out of any closed tracks (as at 2022, the Le Roy Terrace track is still closed to all people)
You can read more about kauri protection and track closures on the page pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz/kauridieback
and about track closures on pestfreekaipatiki.org.nz/explorer
For the old Le Roys Bush website, with lots of information about the history and ecology of the reserve, please go to
This WiX page is a new site under development. If you have the time, interest and skills, we would welcome someone to help us design and build this prototype site - please email us at leroysbush@gmail.com if you can help.

Le Roys Bush
An amazing sub-tropical rain forest 5 minutes from downtown Auckland cared for by "Friends of Le Roys Bush" a group of local residents, the Kaipatiki Local Board and Auckland Council.
This is a prototype site under development - for our old site please go to sites.google.com/site/leroysbushauckland

Friends of Le Roys Bush
Relax and enjoy a morning helping to maintain the natural beauty of this native forest with Friends of Le Roys Bush
Restoring our natural heritage
Have you always been interested in learning more about native biodiversity restoration? We want our visitors to enjoy a meaningful visit to this wonderful reserve. What better way than joining our experienced volunteers to get close up and making things better.
Native fauna in Le Roys
Le Roys Bush is still home to native birds, fresh water fish, fresh water invertebrates, geckos and skinks